Vision & Goals

Entrance Fee (in Israeli Shekels) 2024
  • Adult
    71 ILS
  • Child (age 3 - 18)
    57 ILS
  • Police officer, student, soldier, senior citizen
    57 ILS
  • Guest with disabilities
    35 ILS
One-Year Membership Prices
  • Child
    255 ILS
  • Adult
    343 ILS
  • Student
    255 ILS
  • Soldier, police officer, senior citizen, person with disabilities
    255 ILS
  • Couple
    593 ILS
  • Couple + 1 child
    718 ILS
  • Couple + 2 children
    780 ILS
  • Couple + 3 or more children
    842 ILS
Membership Prices for Single-Parent Families (per year)
  • Parent + one child (under age 3)
    275 ILS
  • Parent + one child
    515 ILS
  • Parent + 2 children
    665 ILS
  • Parent + 3 or more children
    735 ILS
Group admission rates
Group rates are for 25 or more people from institutions and organizations and with advance reservations
  • Each adult (above age 18)
    56 ILS
  • Each child (age 3 - 18)
    45 ILS
  • Soldier, senior citizen
    45 ILS
  • Guests with disabilities
    30 ILS

The Biblical Zoo educates about preserving the values of natureand ecology across the entire population. Special focus is placed on activitiesfor students and youth to cultivate awareness and knowledge and to developfuture leadership of nature conservationists and wildlife keepers. In itsactivities, the zoo places great importance on the connection between humanityand the environment, with an emphasis on animals and their place in nature. Thezoo maintains a permanent focus on animal welfare, preservation of endangeredspecies, breeding, returning animals to the wild, and research with the goal ofdeepening knowledge and collaboration between nature and environmentalconservation organizations in Israel and the world.

The zoo, through the Israel Aquarium, presents the aquatichabitats of Israel to deepen knowledge and understanding about what's permittedand what's prohibited in the field of fishing, and to preserve the values ofaquatic nature, as part of the ecological fabric that makes up our lives.


The Biblical Zoo and the Israel Aquarium facilitatesupportive programs among diverse communities based on animalassisted therapy and serve as major tourism sites in Jerusalem. Assuch, we are committed to work to the best of our abilities to offer ameaningful experience to our visitors.